Saturday, May 10, 2014

Good News and Wardrobe Reminders

Congratulations to this week's Good News ticket winner:  Jack!  Keep up the good work!

With the warmer weather here, it is time for reminders about acceptable school clothing.  Students are permitted to wear WALKING SHORTS, which means that the shorts hover around the knee.  T-shirts must have cap sleeves and cannot be TRANSPARENT OR TRANSLUCENT!  In other words the popular "tissue Ts" are not allowed unless there is something appropriate under or over it.  Tank tops and those with "spaghetti straps" are not allowed either.  Flip flops are not footwear of choice.  I have seen many students with foot injuries because of the lack of proper footwear.  Please wear running shoes and SOCKS.  This is not a beach, and we are teaching modest dress.  Please save the unacceptable school attire for other activities.  A good philosophy to have is that if you are not sure if a clothing item is acceptable or not, then don't wear it!  If you have any questions, feel free to call the school.  Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.

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