Friday, May 16, 2014

EQAO is on the Horizon!

Earlier this week we sent home a letter advising our students and their families of the dates that our grade 6 students will be writing the EQAO assessment.  Please check our classroom calendar for specific topics and dates.  At this time I want to express to everyone the importance of ARRIVING ON TIME, since we will be beginning the assessment immediately after the morning bell on each of the six consecutive days that we are writing. It is not fair to the other students to interrupt them or distract them with late arrivals.  Please do not schedule any appointments during the testing period, as there are very strict regulations that must be followed and missing school is not recommended.

Hopefully we all agree that we want the students to achieve their best, therefore in order to do so, the students must have adequate sleep each night (10-12 hours), a nutritious breakfast, and bring a water bottle and nutritious snack to school.  Please keep in mind that we do not have air conditioning in our room, so please dress comfortably, keeping the dress code in mind.

Each student will be required to supply their own mathematical equipment.  It is the same tools that we have been using all year, but it is possible that something may have been lost or broken in the process.  Please ensure that your child has:  sharp pencils, erasers, cm/mm ruler, calculator, and their geometry set.  Did you catch that?   You will be allowed to use a calculator for the math portions of the assessment!  Dictionaries and thesauruses will be provided.

Please continue to study the anchor charts on our web site as a review!

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