Friday, May 30, 2014

EQAO Debriefed

For the last four days, the grade six students have been working on the four literacy sections of the EQAO assessment.  Beforehand, there was some anxiety and apprehension, as you can imagine.  After each literacy session, we debriefed.  Here is a collection of the comments that the students made.  ENJOY!

  • EQAO wasn't as hard as I thought it would be.
  • Easy!
  • The poem was easy, but the writing was hard.
  • Everything we learned was on the test - it wasn't hard.
  • It was really easy - it is just like our regular work!
  • It's kinda fun!
  • Amazing!
  • It is just like our literacy evaluations!
  • We've done harder stuff this year.
  • It's like our literacy centres.
  • ...really easy!  I'm confident of the results!
  • It is a reflection of our yearly work.
  • Tuesday was easier than Monday.
  • Tuesday's writing was more challenging.
  • Easy and awesome!
  • I love EQAO!
  • It felt like I was writing a commercial.
  • At first I was nervous because I didn't know what to expect, but now I know it is easy and I feel relaxed.
  • I liked writing the fiction piece because writing non-fiction is too restrictive and writing fiction allows for more creativity.
  • I would like more lines so that I can write a longer story.
  • Thursday's portion was more enjoyable than the other days.
  • It was very hard.
  • Thursday's work was the most enjoyable yet!
  • The work was easy but boring because I hate writing stuff.
  • Writing was more fun than reading.
If you haven't discussed the evaluation with your child(ren) yet, you could use these comments as a springboards to do so!  Hopefully the students' achievement matches their enthusiasm!

Please note:  math tests from unit 9 were sent home on Thursday for a parent signature.  Please send them back ASAP.

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