Thursday, May 22, 2014

Congratulations Ellen!

  Although I have known Ellen's news for a little while, I have finally received official word and all of the details.  Ellen is a winner in the Pediatric R.E.A.D. Story Writing Contest!  (check out the details here. ) Earlier this spring numerous students from our class seemed interested in entering and began writing their narratives, but in the end Ellen was the only one to complete and submit an original composition.  As a result, she and one parent are invited on a bus trip to the Buxton Black Historic Museum on Friday June 13, 2014.  Lunch will also be provided for them.  She will collect her prize on Saturday June 14, 2014 and she will be invited to read her story from the stage at the Multicultural Carousel by the River Children's Village. Interestingly enough, Ellen recently read the text "Elijah of Buxton" during our first round of Literature Circles, so I am sure she will enjoy her trip.  If you are interested in this destination, check out this link to the museum's web site. Congratulations Ellen!

As you prepare for the Science test tomorrow, please review the following:
-static  electricity
-insulators, conductors
-types of circuits (series, parallel)      

-uses of circuits in everyday life
-ways to produce electricity
-electricity conservation
-peak and off-peak demand for electricity in real life
*if you have paid attention in class, have kept a complete and accurate notebook, and caught up after an absence, you will do just fine!

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