Thursday, May 15, 2014

Agents of Change

We have evidence that our persuasive letters have been delivered to their intended audience.  Two of our classmates, who wrote letters to Pearson Bus Lines, have reported that the company has heard their concern and have acted upon it.  According to Lindsay and Sarah, a representative from the bus company rode their bus to monitor their space concern.  Upon seeing that there were in fact cramped conditions, have decided to appoint an extra bus to their route.  The representative stated that it was a direct result of their letters.  Congratulations Ladies!  This proves that their polite and calm method of voicing their point of view has been effective!  

Many students decided to write their letter to Mr. Marenchin about issues directly related to the day to day life at school.  They have also received a formal typed response from him.  Ask your child if that was them!

I wonder if we will see any other results.......... Stay tuned!

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