Monday, May 05, 2014

The Letters are Mailed!

Leaving the school, letters in hand.
Heading north.....
We found a stop sign!
On Friday our class walked to the nearest mailbox (the corner of Richardie and Dominion) to mail our persuasive letters.  The letters will be retrieved from that box on Monday at 10am.  From there the mail will be sorted, then finally delivered on Tuesday or Wednesday of this week.  The students seemed very eager to participate in this, and learned more along the way.  They now know the difference between the grey and red mailboxes.  They are all hopeful that they will receive a response.  They could get a response at their home via mail, email, or a phone call.  Keep you eyes opened!  These are the photos my camera captured en route.

Leaving school property...

Posing with the mailbox!

In it goes!

Heading back to school.

The letter carrier's mailbox!

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