Saturday, May 31, 2014

Good News!

 Congratulations to this week's Good News ticket winners:  Jack and Markus!  Keep up the good work!

Friday, May 30, 2014

EQAO Debriefed

For the last four days, the grade six students have been working on the four literacy sections of the EQAO assessment.  Beforehand, there was some anxiety and apprehension, as you can imagine.  After each literacy session, we debriefed.  Here is a collection of the comments that the students made.  ENJOY!

  • EQAO wasn't as hard as I thought it would be.
  • Easy!
  • The poem was easy, but the writing was hard.
  • Everything we learned was on the test - it wasn't hard.
  • It was really easy - it is just like our regular work!
  • It's kinda fun!
  • Amazing!
  • It is just like our literacy evaluations!
  • We've done harder stuff this year.
  • It's like our literacy centres.
  • ...really easy!  I'm confident of the results!
  • It is a reflection of our yearly work.
  • Tuesday was easier than Monday.
  • Tuesday's writing was more challenging.
  • Easy and awesome!
  • I love EQAO!
  • It felt like I was writing a commercial.
  • At first I was nervous because I didn't know what to expect, but now I know it is easy and I feel relaxed.
  • I liked writing the fiction piece because writing non-fiction is too restrictive and writing fiction allows for more creativity.
  • I would like more lines so that I can write a longer story.
  • Thursday's portion was more enjoyable than the other days.
  • It was very hard.
  • Thursday's work was the most enjoyable yet!
  • The work was easy but boring because I hate writing stuff.
  • Writing was more fun than reading.
If you haven't discussed the evaluation with your child(ren) yet, you could use these comments as a springboards to do so!  Hopefully the students' achievement matches their enthusiasm!

Please note:  math tests from unit 9 were sent home on Thursday for a parent signature.  Please send them back ASAP.

Thursday, May 29, 2014

WOW winners!

Congratulations to this month's WOW winners:  Julianne and Quinn!  The theme is "Amazing Actor/Actress".  Not only do they do a great job of  "getting into character", but they were also very instrumental in creating the technological components of our play "A People Story".

On Monday, cast three finally was able to perform their play.

Please note that on Wednesday the students took home a drama rubric and SWYK (math) for unit 9 for a parent signature.  Please return them ASAP, and the only signature that will be accepted is one parent of their own child, not another.  Yes, this is the latest:  a friend's parent signing a test, rather than the child's parent.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

EQAO is Happening Here!

On Monday, our class began to write the EQAO assessment.  For the first four days this week, the students are working on the Literacy (ie. reading and writing) portions of the assessment.  In order to follow the strict rules regarding the administration, I had to prepare our classroom adequately.  That means that ALL ANCHOR CHARTS had to be removed, as well as anything else that could possibly assist the students. The only charts that are allowed are the ones that have been created by EQAO.  The students are allowed the paper versions of a dictionary and thesaurus to assist with their writing pieces.  The students were surprised with how bare our room looks now.  Check out the photos!

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Literature Circle Meeting #3

The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe
Number the Stars
On Friday we held our third Literature Circle meeting.  They ran very well and most group members seemed to be very productive.  This is the last week for this session, therefore our final meeting will be this Friday.  After that the students will work on and complete their group book talks which will be presented on Thursday June 5.  Their duo tangs will be sent home for a parent signature the following week.  Please look for them.
I Want to Go Home

This Can't Be Happening at Macdonald Hall
*  Science tests were given back on Monday.  They require a parent signature ASAP.  Thanks

Monday, May 26, 2014

JDRF is on the Horizon!

Some grade eight students have visited our classroom recently to explain the plans for the JDRF walk that is planned for Friday May 30, 2014.  This is a cause that our school holds dear to its heart since many students and even some staff suffer from diabetes.  We encourage everyone to collect loose change and bring it to school that day.  We will be making placards and walking to the corner of Dougall and Cabana and back in support of this cause.  Pray for generous donations and great weather!  Thank you in advance!

Get a great night's sleep and eat a healthy breakfast. 

Sunday, May 25, 2014


On Thursday Staff Sergeant Mizuno (yes, she received a promotion!!!) instructed us in the types of laws and the Youth Criminal Justice Act.  We learned how the consequences of our acts - even at our young age - can have very negative effects on our future.

Please do not forget that your ten hours of community service assignment is due on Friday May 30, 2014.  If you have lost the form that must be filled out, please download and print a new one from the Assignments page of our web site.  Don't forget a photo as well!

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Good News

 Congratulations to this week's Good News Ticket winner:  Ashley.  Keep up the good work!

Please ensure that your child has brought home the following item for a parent signature:  Literacy Evaluation.  Some students have outstanding items that need to be signed and are VERY OVERDUE.  Please take care of this ASAP.  The Science test will be sent home as soon as all students have written it, as will the drama rubric when the final cast has performed.  Don't forget that our final math test will be on Wednesday May 28.  Please continue to review the numeracy anchor charts in preparation for EQAO.

Friday, May 23, 2014

Dramatic Arts

Cast A
Cast B
On Thursday two of our three casts performed their rendition of  "A People Story", due to the fact that not all of the cast members from Cast C were present.  The final products were very entertaining and well done.  In addition to memorizing lines, wearing costumes, and "getting into character", our class created the props, the set, used lighting, sound, and technology in the form of a power point presentation that formed part of the backdrop and changed to match the plot of the play.  Cast C will perform as soon as all cast members are present, so be ready on any given day.  Check out the photos!

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Congratulations Ellen!

  Although I have known Ellen's news for a little while, I have finally received official word and all of the details.  Ellen is a winner in the Pediatric R.E.A.D. Story Writing Contest!  (check out the details here. ) Earlier this spring numerous students from our class seemed interested in entering and began writing their narratives, but in the end Ellen was the only one to complete and submit an original composition.  As a result, she and one parent are invited on a bus trip to the Buxton Black Historic Museum on Friday June 13, 2014.  Lunch will also be provided for them.  She will collect her prize on Saturday June 14, 2014 and she will be invited to read her story from the stage at the Multicultural Carousel by the River Children's Village. Interestingly enough, Ellen recently read the text "Elijah of Buxton" during our first round of Literature Circles, so I am sure she will enjoy her trip.  If you are interested in this destination, check out this link to the museum's web site. Congratulations Ellen!

As you prepare for the Science test tomorrow, please review the following:
-static  electricity
-insulators, conductors
-types of circuits (series, parallel)      

-uses of circuits in everyday life
-ways to produce electricity
-electricity conservation
-peak and off-peak demand for electricity in real life
*if you have paid attention in class, have kept a complete and accurate notebook, and caught up after an absence, you will do just fine!

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Lots of Literacy

We have been working very diligently in our latest unit of literacy:  Flight.  In addition to learning about the Question and Answer text pattern, we have also learned how to monitor our comprehension of what we read.  We have learned the importance of using correct terminology when writing in order to make our writing have authority and sound knowledgeable. By using mentor texts, we have learning about the reading strategy know as Point of View. We also had some fun with idioms.  And, of course we are developing schema that we will be able to use when we study flight in Science.  We have completed the latest round of literacy centres and guided reading sessions, and we are writing the evaluation on Wednesday May 21.