Sunday, January 12, 2014

Student-Led Conferences on the Horizon

 As we near the end of the first term, I would like to inform you of the reporting style that will be used throughout our school - and specifically our class - at the beginning of February.  We will not be participating in the traditional style parent-teacher conferences (as was done at progress report time).  Instead, each student in our class will be preparing a presentation for their parent(s) based on a portfolio of their work, to demonstrate their metacognitive skills as well as the learning that has taken place during the first term.  We will be examining goals that we set earlier this year, reflect on whether or not they were met, then set new goals for the second term.  As a result, I will be requesting to see each family.  The date to mark on you calendar is February 6.  Please plan to attend. Thank you very much in advance!

Since we have been working on the types of sentences and have been mentioning a necessary part of speech for compound sentences - conjunctions - I am asking that each of my students find at least two conjunctions, write them in their agenda, and be prepared to share them with the class on Monday morning.  Happy hunting!

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