Monday, January 27, 2014

Reminders! Reminders! Reminders!

Here are some reminders of the latest events in our room:

  • Dance/gym rubrics were returned on Wednesday January 22.  Please sign and return them ASAP.
  • Our second dance choreography assignment has begun.  Songs and groups were due Friday.  I approved the song choices and those who didn't receive approval found a new song.  The students need props for this dance, so they should be bringing them as well as the music on Mondays and Tuesdays until we have completed this exercise.  Six gym classes will be allowed for preparation, and presentations are scheduled for Tuesday February 18.  Ipods are allowed for gym only and will not be allowed at school after this assignment is complete.
  • Field trip forms were handed out on Friday January 24.  Please return them signed and include the fee by Friday January 31.
  • Not all students have completed the Show What You Know math evaluation yet.  They will be returned for signing when this is so.  I will let you know via this blog when to expect them.
  • Not all of the students have written the math test yet, so they have not been returned to the class.  I  will let you know via the blog when they are returned so that you can sign them as well.
  • The latest Mad Minute package will go home Monday January 27 for goal setting and signatures.  Please return them promptly.  Please practise your math facts daily.
  • Don't forget that we began our "Vocabulary of the Day" exercise again last week.  Even though the students have been reminded, not everyone has been ready to present on their day.  Please check our class calendar and be prepared on your day!
  • Don't forget that we are having a "family of schools" mass at Corpus Christi Church on Tuesday at 10 am.  All of the students from grade 1-8 from St. Gabriel, Christ the King, and Notre Dame schools will be gathering for mass together.  Try to join us!
  • Try to encourage your family and friends to buy Spitfire tickets and attend the Feb 23 game!  There will be skating with the Spitfires afterwards!
Did you know that everyone is now working on a biography/ autobiography book talk?  Presentations will begin this week and continue into February.  The students are also researching a hero of theirs and writing a biography based on their research and the characteristics of a non-fiction article that we have learned while incorporating the characteristics of a biography.  Ask your child about it.  We are always busy!

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