Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Values - VIP Style

Yesterday Sergeant Mizuno visited us again to make the connection between the Windsor Police Service and our grade six students.  The topic was values: personal values, societal values, and standards.  During our discussion, Sergeant Mizuno gave us a little "quiz" of sorts.  Both she and the teachers were surprised - and disappointed -  by some of the students' responses.  According to what some said, did you know....
-that if they found a wallet with $100 inside, they would keep the money?
-that they do not think it is important to shower or bathe daily?
-that they do not think that they need to follow school rules all of the time?
-that they would not always tell the truth if it might hurt someone?
-that it is fine to tease someone else for fun?

Needless to say, these types of responses do not align with what they are being taught in the classroom, through VIP or anything else.  This is a great opportunity to chat with your child about this!

Keep those vocabulary words coming in!  Here is the latest batch.  Please make sure that your word is a new word, not one that we use regularly.

Yesterday for our math class warm up we played an algebra game.  Ask your child about it.  Have you checked out the latest anchor charts on our website? Have you checked the calendar for the latest test dates?  Make sure to stay current!

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