Wednesday, October 30, 2013


Keep those vocabulary words coming!  This Friday will be the end of the first cycle of words, but hopefully you have noticed that the cycle will start again.  Please check the calendar on this site and find your next date so that you are prepared!

Don't forget that tomorrow, October 31 is reward day!  That means that in addition to wearing black and orange, you can chew gum, or wear a hat, or sport crazy hair.  We will also have extra recess, weather permitting.  There will be no homework tomorrow, either.
This week in the gym we have been working collaboratively with the parachute.  We have done a wide variety of activities such as:  cat and mouse, popcorn, and shark tank.  We have even done warm-ups and cool downs with it!  This is a good opportunity for leadership, communication, and cooperation!

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