Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Things Will Be Shaping Up!

Since we had our second math test today, our next math unit will concentrate on geometry outcomes.  Grade six students have already learned a plethora of information before this year, but without regular use, it is likely that many facts have been forgotten.  On the bottom of the Numeracy Anchor Chart Archives page of this site, please find seven separate attachments.  These are review sheets that must be reviewed and/or learned by Friday November 1.  In order to be successful in grade six geometry, you must know all of this information VERY WELL!  You may open each attachment and read them directly off the site, or you may download them and print them off as well.  After you have read all seven pages, please get your parent to write in your agenda, on Friday's area "Seven Page Geometry Review Completed" and sign it.  I will be checking for signatures on Friday November 1.

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