Saturday, October 05, 2013

Good News and Condolences from Grade 6Col

 Congratulations to the following students who are this week's Good News ticket winners:  Bromleigh, Luke (twice) and Nick.  Keep up the good work!

I have become aware of the fact that there have been technical difficulties with Google Chrome this week.  At times our blog has been reduced to a white box.  When this happened I tried using Internet Explorer as the search engine and it was fine.  Other teachers are also reporting difficulty with their blogs, websites, and electronic calendars.  This seems to be an issue from the provider or server, so I appreciate your patience as this blog is updated every day during the school year for your information.

Rest in peace, dear Emma Pizzuti. (October 2, 2013) Be free from pain and in God's hands.  Love Grade 6Col.

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