Saturday, October 19, 2013

Good News!

Congratulations to this week's Good News ticket winners:  Luke, Bromleigh, Quinn, and Emily.  All winners need to receive their prizes first thing Monday morning.

Thank you very much to the students (about half of our class) who participated in our fund raiser and sold cookie dough.  The good news is that our class sold 42 packages of dough which earns the first level of incentives: If the entire class sells 22 packages (average of one each) they will have earned an extended recess and one day of no homework plus they may choose one more from the following list:  wear a hat inside, chew gum for the day, sport crazy hair for the day.  We were just two packages away from the next level!  When the date for the festivities is decided on, I will let everyone know.  

On Thursday we had our first indoor recess due to the rain.  I was very impressed how well everyone played together!  I can infer that all of our group work has paid off and we are developing strong collaboration skills!

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