Friday, October 04, 2013

Guest Instructor!

Although we worked for the first two weeks of school on problem solving, most students continue to fall short of the expectations (although we knew the steps then, students now seem to think that they can opt to skip steps and not make their thinking visible).  As you can find on the Parents' Place page of this site, there are many steps that the students MUST follow in order to show their thinking at an acceptable level. Congratulations to Bromleigh who produced level 4 work.  I invited her to share her solution to the problem solving question and she gladly accepted.  She explained every step of her solution to the class on the board and the rest of the class were required to copy the correct and thorough solution.  I hope that I can count on all the parents' support in encouraging our class to produce full solutions to problem solving questions.  You will find her amazing work in the photo above.  Very will done Bromleigh!  Keep up the great work!

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