Thursday, October 31, 2013

Zoo To You!

Yesterday all of the grade six students were treated to a presentation by Zoo To You to support our study of biodiversity in Science.  They were invited to touch the animals if they desired, but that was optional.  Everyone who did was sure to wash their hands after the presentation.  Some organisms were difficult to photograph because of the amount of moving they were doing. Check out the photos!
Milk snake

Ball Python

Ball python

Corn Snake

Bearded Dragon


Caiman closeup!

Eldabra Tortoise

White Rat




Joey drinking from a bottle

Joey displaying locomotion

Make sure your trick-or-treating is safe, warm, and dry! Please bring your geometry set to school tomorrow so that we can begin our geometry unit!

Wednesday, October 30, 2013


Keep those vocabulary words coming!  This Friday will be the end of the first cycle of words, but hopefully you have noticed that the cycle will start again.  Please check the calendar on this site and find your next date so that you are prepared!

Don't forget that tomorrow, October 31 is reward day!  That means that in addition to wearing black and orange, you can chew gum, or wear a hat, or sport crazy hair.  We will also have extra recess, weather permitting.  There will be no homework tomorrow, either.
This week in the gym we have been working collaboratively with the parachute.  We have done a wide variety of activities such as:  cat and mouse, popcorn, and shark tank.  We have even done warm-ups and cool downs with it!  This is a good opportunity for leadership, communication, and cooperation!

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Things Will Be Shaping Up!

Since we had our second math test today, our next math unit will concentrate on geometry outcomes.  Grade six students have already learned a plethora of information before this year, but without regular use, it is likely that many facts have been forgotten.  On the bottom of the Numeracy Anchor Chart Archives page of this site, please find seven separate attachments.  These are review sheets that must be reviewed and/or learned by Friday November 1.  In order to be successful in grade six geometry, you must know all of this information VERY WELL!  You may open each attachment and read them directly off the site, or you may download them and print them off as well.  After you have read all seven pages, please get your parent to write in your agenda, on Friday's area "Seven Page Geometry Review Completed" and sign it.  I will be checking for signatures on Friday November 1.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Book Talks on the Horizon!

Last week I modelled a book talk for our class using a narrative that I have read, to show the class an example of what they are to do.  A book talk is an oral report about about a book that a student has read.  The learning goals are that they will demonstrate that they understand what they have read independently and they do an advertisement of sorts so that their peers may become interested in reading the book also.  They received an outline and two rubrics because they will earn a reading mark and an oral mark for their presentation.  This book talk must be done on a book that has been read completely at school (from our classroom library), and the work must be done completely at school, therefore no work on it is allowed to be done at home.  Students will have the opportunity to use the computer software "Audacity" to rehearse and revise their work at school.  The students will work on this assignment during their independent reading time, after other work is complete, and likely in a future literacy workstation.  Each student has already signed up for their presentation date on a calendar that is posted in our classroom.  One of our students has requested that I post them on our classroom calendar on our web site also, so you will find them there as well.  From time to time we may need to adjust the date due to illness, for example, so I will change them on our electronic calendar as well.  Ask your child what their date is, what book they are reading, and how their work is going.

Sunday, October 27, 2013


Last week we began the Religion strand, from our new curriculum, know as Prayer.  Thankfully the students seem to have good background knowledge on this topic.  On Friday we ventured to the church for morning mass.  We will eventually see how prayer ties in with the parts of the mass.

On Friday we had our first experience with "Mad Minute" math.   We are experiencing that weak math facts continue to slow us down, so we will continue to encourage everyone to improve basic math fact skills using this strategy.  Congratulations to Luke (first place) and Ellen (second place) who earned Good News tickets for their success this week.  Other rewards are planned.  Ask your child about it! 

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Good News

 Congratulations to this week's Good News ticket winner:  Ellen!  Keep up the good work!

Don't forget that we have many pre-orders that are due on Monday:  pizza, houseleague t-shirts, and picture.

Friday, October 25, 2013

Science is Happening Here

On Thursday we worked with prepared slides and microscopes.  We were able to get an idea of how microscopes help us see things that are too small for us to see with our naked eye.  We are also beginning to use the correct names for the parts of a microscope.  We also continued our organism research which we will use to create our multimedia presentation.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

More Algebraic Expressions

Today we worked in groups to solve algebraic expressions in a new situation:  more than one equation that work together.  It was nerve wracking, made us think "outside of the box", and only one group had a completely correct solution.  Check out the photos of the group work and the final products.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Our First Field Trip!

The pictures tell the story of our first field trip.  Enjoy the slide show!

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Values - VIP Style

Yesterday Sergeant Mizuno visited us again to make the connection between the Windsor Police Service and our grade six students.  The topic was values: personal values, societal values, and standards.  During our discussion, Sergeant Mizuno gave us a little "quiz" of sorts.  Both she and the teachers were surprised - and disappointed -  by some of the students' responses.  According to what some said, did you know....
-that if they found a wallet with $100 inside, they would keep the money?
-that they do not think it is important to shower or bathe daily?
-that they do not think that they need to follow school rules all of the time?
-that they would not always tell the truth if it might hurt someone?
-that it is fine to tease someone else for fun?

Needless to say, these types of responses do not align with what they are being taught in the classroom, through VIP or anything else.  This is a great opportunity to chat with your child about this!

Keep those vocabulary words coming in!  Here is the latest batch.  Please make sure that your word is a new word, not one that we use regularly.

Yesterday for our math class warm up we played an algebra game.  Ask your child about it.  Have you checked out the latest anchor charts on our website? Have you checked the calendar for the latest test dates?  Make sure to stay current!

Monday, October 21, 2013

Caught You Visualizing!

Recently our class did a shared reading about a relatively new species of amphibian: the purple frog.  After reviewing our anchor charts and strategies, I asked the students to demonstrate their visualizing skills by drawing what they thought the frog looked like. Each student created their own overhead transparency which were displayed for all to see.  Ask your child about it!  Here are the results.
If you would like to see what a real purple frog looks like, and if you would like some scientific information about it, click here.

After that activity, we continued working on extending our understanding by making connections open response questions, in pairs.  Check it out!