Thursday, May 23, 2013

Preparing for EQAO

After viewing the blue note that your child brought home yesterday, you saw that EQAO will begin on Tuesday of next week.  I have been having technical difficulties with my calendar on this web site, so I am now aware that all of the new dates that I have posted in the last couple of weeks have not been displayed for public viewing.  I am working on a solution.  In the meantime, we will begin with literacy on Tuesday morning, followed with math on Wednesday morning.  Please make sure that your child attends daily and is punctual.  There have been too many late students in recent weeks.  It is also essential that the students get a good night sleep (10 hours is recommended), eat well, and have a water bottle that can be kept on their desk.  In addition, they need to have their regular school supplies with them every day.  That means pencils, erasers, highlighter, ruler, geometry set (I know some students brought them home already, but we need them!), and a CALCULATOR!!!! Yes - all students will be able to use a calculator on all aspects of the math portion of EQAO!  I will be showing the students what old tests looked like tomorrow to calm their fears.  The good news is that I have taught and evaluated in a way that aligns completely with EQAO all year, so they should see similarities.  The only issues that concern me are those that I have continued to communicate all year:  lack of sophisticated vocabulary and weak math skills.  

By the way, what is this?

Yes, it is the IN BOX!  And, by the way, I do not look anything like an IN BOX!!! Ask your child what I mean by that statement..... I have been saying that too often lately!

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