Monday, May 13, 2013

Literature Circles

Today we began the process of literature circles/book clubs.  This is when students study a novel of their choice with a group of students that have also chosen the same novel.  They read it all week during independent reading, complete a role that they selected, then report to their group at the end of the week when they have a meeting.  I will collect their duo tang each week to evaluate the week's work.  The students have four weeks to completely read the novel and complete their roles.  Then they will work on a group book talk and present it to the class.  There were seven novels that the students could choose from, but in the end we wound up with five groups studying the following novels:  Chocolate Fever; Holes; The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe;  Tuck Everlasting; and Elijah of Buxton.  Ask your child which one they chose.  Here are photos of the selection process.
See if you like the author's voice
Five Finger rule?
Do you like the genre?
Does the book interest you?
Thank you for the popsicles today, Sophia!  They were yummy!

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