Saturday, May 25, 2013

Good News and Updates

Congratulations to this week's Good News ticket winners:  Maddy and Thomas!  Keep up the good work!

Here are some important updates:  1.  Each student in our class has their own script and a part to memorize for next Friday.  Please also consider props, costumes, and sound effects that you can add to make your play entertaining.
2.  The latest math test finally went home today... thanks for your patience, as everyone has finally finished it.  Please sign and return it on Monday.
3. Our final math test will be on Monday.  It will be on material from unit 10 - relating patterning, graphing, and rate.  The students will not have any other math homework for the remainder of this school year.
4.  Some of the technical difficulties have been rectified regarding the calendar page of our site.  If you use Google Chrome as your browser, it will work fine to view it.  There are still problems if you use Explorer.  Sorry for the inconvenience!

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