Friday, May 31, 2013

What Drama!

Each of the four casts practised their plays today.  They were supposed to have their lines memorized, but unfortunately not all students did.  It is great when all students are present because their part effects the whole group.  Today they were also given the task of deciding on props, costumes, sound effects and lighting.  Our dress rehearsal will be on Monday, with the play being performed for evaluation on Wednesday.
Cast B

Cast A

Cast D

Cast C

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Major Announcement!

Today our class and Mr. Kennette's class got together to hear a major announcement.  We announced our healthy active living field trip that will be held on June 18.  Each student received their explanatory letter and permission form today.  Please return the form signed by June 13.  The great additional news is that this trip is absolutely free due to a grant that we were able to secure.  If you would like to see what we have planned, check out the link below:
Gesstwood video

Today we continued with our EQAO assessment.  We had a visit from the "EQAO Police".  They are sent randomly to ensure that all procedures are followed properly.  The great news is that we passed with flying colours!

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

EQAO Day 2

Although our room is void of all of the information that used to be on our Math Strategy Wall, 

the students have many other resources available to them while they wrote the math portion of the EQAO assessment today.
Other math tools

Math Manipulative "buffet table"

They also were allowed a calculator and their geometry set.  All students worked very diligently again today!

Special congratulations are extended to Michael who has already sold his entire first book of lottery tickets, he returned the money and stubs, and asked for more!  That sure shows your support of our school!  That sure is the true meaning of being a Guardian!

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

EQAO Day 1

When the students arrived today, they noticed that our room had been transformed..... they said that it looked like September all over again.  Others said that our room looked smaller without the anchor charts.  Today the students worked on reading and writing questions.  I am pleased with the students' work ethic.  They were also very respectful of each other during the process.  Tomorrow they will work on math!
Word Wall is covered and student
work samples were removed
Anchor charts are gone!
Our room looks empty now!
Multiple choice tips
Problem Solving
The only anchor charts that are allowed are those that are designed by the people at EQAO.

Monday, May 27, 2013

Science Inquiry that Enlightens!

Today we completed the forth part of our four-part science inquiry. The students' challenge was to cause two light bulbs to illuminate, but if one was disconnected, the second would stay lit.  I am pleased to report that all groups were able to figure this one out on the first try.  This demonstrates learning, since this was not the case early in the inquiry.  Next we will move onto building circuits for evaluation.  Check out the video I captured with my camera!

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Literature Circle Meetings - Week #2

On Friday we held our second Literature Circle book club meetings.  Again, I am very pleased with what I heard discussed during these meetings.  I have collected the duo tangs again, and I will return them tomorrow, evaluated.  Keep up the good work!
Lion, Witch, and Wardrobe
Elijah of Buxton
Chocolate Fever
Tuck Everlasting

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Good News and Updates

Congratulations to this week's Good News ticket winners:  Maddy and Thomas!  Keep up the good work!

Here are some important updates:  1.  Each student in our class has their own script and a part to memorize for next Friday.  Please also consider props, costumes, and sound effects that you can add to make your play entertaining.
2.  The latest math test finally went home today... thanks for your patience, as everyone has finally finished it.  Please sign and return it on Monday.
3. Our final math test will be on Monday.  It will be on material from unit 10 - relating patterning, graphing, and rate.  The students will not have any other math homework for the remainder of this school year.
4.  Some of the technical difficulties have been rectified regarding the calendar page of our site.  If you use Google Chrome as your browser, it will work fine to view it.  There are still problems if you use Explorer.  Sorry for the inconvenience!

Friday, May 24, 2013

Thank You, Thank You, Thank You!

handmade card inside left
What a day!  Thank you very  much to our whole class who participated in making my birthday special, under Miss O.'s direction.  From the decorations, hand made card, "birthday girls badge", and cupcakes, to the visit from my daughter who brought Timbits for the whole class, the flower delivery, well wishes, etc., etc., this day really was special for one OLD LADY!
delicious cupcakes
handmade card (front)

handmade card inside right

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Preparing for EQAO

After viewing the blue note that your child brought home yesterday, you saw that EQAO will begin on Tuesday of next week.  I have been having technical difficulties with my calendar on this web site, so I am now aware that all of the new dates that I have posted in the last couple of weeks have not been displayed for public viewing.  I am working on a solution.  In the meantime, we will begin with literacy on Tuesday morning, followed with math on Wednesday morning.  Please make sure that your child attends daily and is punctual.  There have been too many late students in recent weeks.  It is also essential that the students get a good night sleep (10 hours is recommended), eat well, and have a water bottle that can be kept on their desk.  In addition, they need to have their regular school supplies with them every day.  That means pencils, erasers, highlighter, ruler, geometry set (I know some students brought them home already, but we need them!), and a CALCULATOR!!!! Yes - all students will be able to use a calculator on all aspects of the math portion of EQAO!  I will be showing the students what old tests looked like tomorrow to calm their fears.  The good news is that I have taught and evaluated in a way that aligns completely with EQAO all year, so they should see similarities.  The only issues that concern me are those that I have continued to communicate all year:  lack of sophisticated vocabulary and weak math skills.  

By the way, what is this?

Yes, it is the IN BOX!  And, by the way, I do not look anything like an IN BOX!!! Ask your child what I mean by that statement..... I have been saying that too often lately!

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

WOW Winners!

Congratulations to our May WOW winners!
Sophia - Remarkable Reader
Ryan - Marvelous Mathematician
Larissa and Julia - Reflective Reasoning (self-reflection)
Keep up the good work!

Today we had our final session with Constable Silver.  He talked to us about vandalism and shop lifting.  We look forward to his visit in June - he will help us celebrate our graduation from the program.  Stay tuned - more information will follow.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

This News is NOT Shocking

We continued with our science inquiry today.  The problem that was posed to the students was "How can you make two light bulbs turn on at the same time?"  Using the materials provided and the steps of the scientific method, the students solved this very quickly.  I can infer that they continue to gain knowledge and comfort as we work through the various problems.

Where can we use this knowledge in real life?

Monday, May 20, 2013

Happy Victoria Day!

Happy Victoria Day to all!  Did you know that the purpose of this holiday was to honour a former Queen of England, Queen Victoria?    (don't forget that Canada used to be a British colony, so we will always have a special bond with Great Britain)  She was very popular, and since her birthday was May 24, it was decided that the third Monday in May each year would be a holiday.  That is where the term "the May 2-4 Weekend" comes from, even though May 24 doesn't always land on this weekend.  We are blessed with great weather this weekend, so get out and do the things you enjoy!  If you choose to use fireworks (one of two weekends this season that it is allowed), please make sure to observe all safety procedures and city by-laws!

Don't forget that we have a math test tomorrow on unit 9!

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Literature Circle Meeting #1

We have completed our first week of Literature Circle meetings and I must report that at the outset, I am very pleased with the way they went.  Each group had great discussions about the reading they did during the week and it looked like everyone enjoyed themselves.  I have collected each duo tang so that I may review their work for the week, their self-reflection, and I will comment on their progress and begin filling in the rubric based on this week's work.  The process will begin again on Tuesday for next week.  Keep up the great work!
Chocolate Fever!


Elijah of Buxton!


Tuck Everlasting!

The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe!

Did you know that the author of Elijah of Buxton, Christopher Paul Curtis resides in Windsor, ON?

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Good News!

Congratulations are extended to this week's Good New ticket winners: 
      Mallory, Ryan, Maddy, Hailey, Thomas, and Julia B.  Keep up the good work!

Friday, May 17, 2013

Mary Celebration

Today we celebrated the Crowning of Mary Celebration.  The entire student body was very reverent and respectful.  Listen to the beautiful voices in the video.
                                       For the sake of the sorrowful passion, have mercy on us and all the whole world.....

We wish to take this opportunity to thank Mrs. D'Agnillo and Mrs. Danelon for working with us on a monthly basis.  We have learned much about the rosary, the many mysteries, and very interesting saints.

Today our class took home two more math duo tangs.  They should now have an orange, black, and green one at home.  Please have them review these in preparation for EQAO.  They also took home a gym/dance rubric which needs to be signed by a parent.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Dancing with Mrs. Colautti's Stars! It Worked!

Thank you for your patience.  I had some assistance from a colleague and I am now able to compress our videos so that they will upload.  These longer movie files were too large originally, but they work now!  Enjoy!
Hailey, Larissa, Julia

Hannah, Julia, Julia
Hannah, Taylor, Caroline
Matt, David, Luca
Nathan, Adam, Michael
Raven, Abbey, Maddy, Alysia
Ryan, Thomas, Liam, Edxio
Mallory, Serena, Sophia

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Dancing With Mrs. Colautti's Stars - part 2

Today our class presented their final dance presentations.  I have been trying all day to upload the videos, but the file size is rather large.  I have also been trying to compress the files, without much luck so far.  I hope to have this worked out in the next few days.  Thank you for your patience!

I recommend that the students begin a review of the anchor charts (especially math) over the next few days in anticipation of EQAO.  I will also start sending home some duo tangs for their use as well!

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Getting a Charge out of Studying Electricity

For the last two days the students have been solving scientific problems in groups using the materials provided, and writing their work down using the steps of the scientific method.  Yesterday their challenge was to make a light bulb turn on.  Here are the results.
And God said let there be light!

Simple, right?
Today they had to make the light bulb turn on and off by using a switch.  Every group needed more than one attempt and they had to revise their plans in the process.  Check out the video.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Literature Circles

Today we began the process of literature circles/book clubs.  This is when students study a novel of their choice with a group of students that have also chosen the same novel.  They read it all week during independent reading, complete a role that they selected, then report to their group at the end of the week when they have a meeting.  I will collect their duo tang each week to evaluate the week's work.  The students have four weeks to completely read the novel and complete their roles.  Then they will work on a group book talk and present it to the class.  There were seven novels that the students could choose from, but in the end we wound up with five groups studying the following novels:  Chocolate Fever; Holes; The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe;  Tuck Everlasting; and Elijah of Buxton.  Ask your child which one they chose.  Here are photos of the selection process.
See if you like the author's voice
Five Finger rule?
Do you like the genre?
Does the book interest you?
Thank you for the popsicles today, Sophia!  They were yummy!