Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Valentine's Day on the Horizon

PSA by some Social Justice members
Sample buttons

Tomorrow is St. Valentine's Day, and our Social Justice Club is trying something different this year.  Instead of selling candy, they will be selling love buttons.  All of the proceeds will go directly to support Haiti, the country that our school chose to support earlier this year.  They cost $2 each.  Why not participate?  If you would like to bring cards and/or treats for the class you may, but please be sure not to exclude anyone. PEANUT FREE PRODUCTS ONLY!  I am also encouraging everyone to wear red and/or pink tomorrow to show Valentine spirit!
Our class and Mr. Kennette's class did an amazing job of hosting the Ash Wednesday mass.  A special thank you is extended to the family members and friends who were able to attend. An extra special thank you goes out to all of the students who accepted speaking and non-speaking roles.  Way to show leadership!  I am also very impressed with the number of students who brought meatless lunches today:  about 68%!  Keep up the great effort.  The next meatless challenge is this Friday.  Can we beat that amount?

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