Monday, February 11, 2013

Service to the Community!

Today when Constable Silver spoke to us the topic was "Service to the Community".  We discussed how important this is both from the point of view of the recipient of such acts of kindness, and that of the volunteer.  He shared with us the long list of Community Service Awards that he has received, including the Queen's Silver Jubilee Medal, most recently.  Keep working on your community service projects and don't forget to submit a photo!
Many thanks are extended to the large number of families who have returned their pink goal sheet that I gave you at the Student-Led Conferences last Thursday. 
Last week I also gave each student their movement sequence rubric and the listening activity rubric and asked that they get them signed by a parent.  I am still waiting for an extra long list of them to be returned.  Please send them in tomorrow.
Finally, we are in dire need of boxes of Kleenex.  If you can spare any, please send them to school at your earliest convenience.  I appreciate it!  Thanks in advance.

Be sure to check out the new math anchor charts that are on the Anchor Chart Library page of this site.

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