Tuesday, February 26, 2013

French Week Excitement Continues

Today our class brought in some very creative and interesting supplies to use to decorate our classroom door for the door decorating contest.  Some students even asked if they could work at recess!  According to M LeBlanc the judging will now take place on Friday.  Bonne chance!
Many students are helping!
Many creative supplies are being used!

This morning Constable Silver also visited us to discuss the topic of Authority Figures.  We began discussing the consequences of resisting authority figures.  This leads to our next topic which will be the Youth Criminal Justice Act.  The students will discover how the law handles youth that break the law.

Tomorrow is red, white and blue day in honour of the French flag.  Sport some colour!  We will also be participating in Zumba en Français for our gym class.  Come dressed in comfortable clothing - no skinny jeans!

Today's Classroom Promise is:  Use your manners and let someone else go first!

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