Tuesday, February 05, 2013

Thank You!

Role play!
Thank you to all of the families that returned the report card envelope and the signed portion of the report today!  I greatly appreciate it!  In your child's agenda please find a form indicating the conference time reserved for your family for Thursday evening.  Today I attempted to speak to all of the other teachers in order to avoid conflicts with other interview times.  In the event that I missed something, please jot a note in your child's agenda and I will attend to it tomorrow.  Please note that siblings are not to attend the conference since this conference time is reserved soley for you and your child that attends my grade six class.  If they must come to school due to child care issues, they may sit on a chair in the hall until the conference has completed.  Thank you very much for your cooperation in this matter.

I am sure that your child has communicated to you how hard we have been working to prepare their presentations.  Last week we organized their portfolios (I sent home the extra materials that were not needed), next we analyzed our work and prepared a script (ask your child what metacognition is), and today we began practising our presentations.  The students seem happy to present their work to you, and I look forward to seeing all of you!
Accountable talk!

As we work toward our next writing assignment, we learned to use a new computer program today:  Microsoft Publisher.  We are making brochures, so today the students were able to make a practice version to see how the program works.  They seemed to enjoy themselves!

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