Monday, February 04, 2013

Report Card Day!

First term report cards were sent home with each student today.  This morning they had the opportunity to view them, comment on a strength, and set a goal for the second term.  Please view them at your leisure, but it is important that they return ONLY THE SIGNED PORTION of the report card and the envelope tomorrow, so that I can complete the filing from my end.  You keep the portion with the marks and comments at home, because I have my copy at school.  Thank you very much for your assistance in this matter!

Today the students were given their math back from last week and asked to make corrections.  There are two major areas of concern:  first, many students did not follow the rules we established last week about rounding, and second, questions three and six required the use of the problem solving model which most students did not do.

Finally, with the fresh snow again today, GO OUT AND SHOVEL FOR YOUR NEIGHBOURS!  That is an easy way to accumulate the ten hours of community service that you need to complete the VIP program.

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