Thursday, October 18, 2012

The Latest and Greatest

Our class is beginning to bring in cookie dough and muffin mix orders.  To date we have sold $242 worth of product.  Keep bringing in your orders!  The last day is Monday.  We would really like a Coldstone treat!

Tomorrow we will celebrate a liturgy of the word in the gym. Again we are being asked to bring in a non-perishable food item to contribute to the St. Vincent de Paul Society.  The last time we collected, we had 29 items.  Can we beat that this time?  I think we can!

Tomorrow is also the last day to bring in your pizza orders.  Pizza day will be on Tuesday.

Today we worked on math for a very long time.  It is apparent that the students have fallen into bad habits in previous years, so I am working hard at breaking those and instilling new good habits.  Don't forget that I would rather students try their work and make mistakes, than not trying at all.  I can tell their thinking by the mistakes they make and can assist accordingly.  I have reminded them to use the anchor charts from home to assist them.

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