Friday, October 12, 2012

More Marvelous Mixing!

Today the students were given the primary colours, and two neutral colours:  black and white.  They learned that when black is added to any colour, shades of that colour are made.  Similarly, when white is added to any colour, tints of that colour are made.  They students had time to experiment with making many beautiful colours - they really were excited when they made magenta, lavender, periwinkle blue, rose, peach, grey, charcoal, burgundy, etc.  Next they learned what pointillism is.  We viewed a slide show and discussed this technique.  Each student received Q-tips and were encouraged to practice this technique, including experimenting with line, value, and shape.  Next week we will create a pointillism piece that will be evaluated.

We also had our individual photos today.  We will have our class photo on November 5.

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