Monday, October 01, 2012

Math and Reader's Response

Today our class had the opportunity to listen to a "lecture" about math.  First of all, I am very disappointed that many students are not taking me seriously when I assign the task of correcting errors.  In each book, I give very clear feedback which indicates what was done correctly and what needs to be fixed and how.  If "math corrections" is written in their agenda, then that is what is expected to be completed at home.  I am concerned that many of our students will continue to lag behind their expected level of achievement due to lower than expected levels of practice and effort.  I asked every student to take home their orange Number Sense and Numeration duo tang and their blue math workbook today and show them to their parents, whether or not they had homework.  I encourage parents to look through their child's books so that they can not only see what they are learning, but see how they are achieving on a daily basis.  I also encourage the use of the anchor charts from the Anchor Chart Library page on this website.  I know that I can count on your support in this matter!

Today in Literacy, we continued working on our Reader's Responses.  After reading "A Visit from the Slave Catcher Part 1", students were put into pairs and assigned the task of using their sticky notes, text, success criteria, and sample responses hanging in the room to write a Reader's Response that included making a connection to the text.  Ask them about it!  

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