Monday, October 15, 2012

Evaluation Results and Bus Evacuation

Today we had the math test for unit two.  It seemed to take the students longer than anticipated.  Due to the fact that not all the students were present to write the test, they will only be returned when all students have completed them.  Today, the students did receive an in-class evaluation that was completed last week.  I have asked that it be signed and returned tomorrow.  We will begin unit 1 - Patterns, tomorrow.

If all goes according to plans, everyone will finish writing the Literacy Evaluation from last week, tomorrow.  I will then be able to return them to the students to be signed and returned ASAP. 

*Please note that it is very important that students attend school on the day of a scheduled evaluation.  It takes much extra time (including recesses) to have them write, since we do not wait for anyone and subsequent lessons continue in their absence.

Today we all participated in a bus evacuation drill.  Even though not all students take the bus, we will have the opportunity to travel by bus for field trips, so it is vital that everyone knows how to disembark in the event of an emergency.  I am pleased to report that our class handled it very well.

Check out the newly discovered link to sign language on iTunes:

TOMORROW:  Tiger Tuesday!  Wear your Detroit Tiger gear and/or navy blue and/or orange.

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