Wednesday, June 27, 2012

VIP Graduation

Today we celebrated the end of our VIP (Values, Influences, Peers) program.  We have learned about values, morals, bullying, Youth Criminal Justice Act, Law and Security, and Drugs with the support of Constable Nayduk of the Windsor Police Service.  Special thanks to our SAC who fully funded the t-shirts and pizza lunch.  Also, thank you to all of the families who sent in fruit and desserts.  Let's hope that all of the students will remember what they've learned when faced with challenging decisions in years to come!

Don't we look great in our new t-shirts?
Armando's pizza was delicious!
Got juice?
Constable Nayduk loves pizza too!
We were given some words of wisedom to live by.
Andrew presented Constable Nayduk with a thank you gift.
Delicious desserts!
Grade 6C VIP graduates (3 students absent)

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