Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Final Field Trip Information

For our final field trip, all three grade six classes have been invited to walk to St. Clair College and be instructed by Professor Redko and some second year interior design students.  We will learn how to use the Google Sketchup software (which is available as a free download online) and design a three dimensional virtual structure.  We will save our work on our own USB (which each student needs to bring) and then they can show it to family at home and/or continue to work on it at a later date (once the free software has been downloaded on your home computer).  THERE IS NO COST TO THE STUDENTS for this trip.  Please return the signed permission form by Monday June 18, 2012. The permission form can be found on the "Assignments" page in this website. 

I need to bring two parents with us that are willing to walk with us and be ready to assist the students while they are working on the computers.  If you are interested, please send a note with your child indicating so.  If more than two parents volunteer, I will use a lottery system to decide who will join us.  These notes are also due June 18.

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