Tuesday, June 26, 2012

End of the Year Wrap Up

As our school year comes to a close, we have begun the process of clean up and take home.  Slowly the students have been bringing home their books, so that they do not have to take everything home at once.  We have made thank you cards for Constable Nayduk, and the people from St. Clair College who made our recent trip possible.  Tonight at the SAC meeting, Mr. Marenchin, Mrs. LaPico, and I thanked the members for their support and dedication all year.  Tomorrow we hope to finish the Family Life program, then we will have officially completed all areas of the curriculum for grade six.  The excitement is sure building!

Tomorrow will prove to be a busy day.  We are going to the 8:30am mass, we will celebrate our VIP graduation at 11am, and we will attend the House League Assembly in the afternoon.  The countdown is on:  only two more sleeps!

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