Tuesday, June 12, 2012

VIP Drug Presentaton

Special thanks to our VIP officer, Constable Nayduk, for helping to coordinate this presentation today.  We had the pleasure of listening to Constable Renaud, from the Windsor Police Service who shared his knowledge and resources with us.  Check out the photos and feel free to use this as an opportunity to discuss this with your child.

Thank you Constable Renaud
 for working with us!
The students were very attentive!

We got to see what a healthy lung should look like
by seeing a pig's lung
This is how a healthy lung should expand
when it is filling with air when we breathe
A smoker's lung does not expand or hold air well and it looks terrible. 
This one also has a cancerous tumour on it (the white lump on the front).
We also got to see samples of drugs -
so that we know what to say NO to!
left - a marijuana grinder    right - a bong

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