Sunday, June 10, 2012

Field Trip on the Horizon!

This Thursday June 14, we will be heading out on our second last field trip of the year (check our class calendar).  There are many active and fun activities to do at Gesstwood Camp and Retreat Centre, Essex, ON.  Please note that WE WILL NOT BE SWIMMING, as that would require the extra cost of a qualified lifeguard, adding to the cost of the trip.  In order to be prepared and comfortable, students need to dress for the weather, keeping our dress code in mind.  Running shoes and socks are a must, as anyone wearing flip flops, sandals, etc. cannot participate in the many active games we have in store for you!  Sunscreen is also another must as we will be outdoors all day and even  if it is overcast, harmful rays from the sun can still burn our skin.  We recommend insect repellant to assist with your comfort that day.  A change of clothes might also be a good idea based on the itinerary for the day.  I also recommend an ample supply of water - put some partially filled water bottles in the freezer the night before and top them up with water that morning and they will still be cold for you all day long.  Please return your field trip form and money no later than June 12.  Feel free to click on the link I have provided to get an idea of the type of day you can expect.  Let's have a fun, active, and educational day!

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