Saturday, June 23, 2012

VIP Graduation on the Horizon!

On Wednesday June 27 we will celebrate our VIP Graduation.  Constable Nayduk will join us for an informal ceremony, then following that a pizza lunch will be supplied for you compliments of the St. Gabriel SAC.  You will receive pizza and juice.  If you require other snacks for the day, please feel free to bring them.  We are requesting that any families that are able and interested, send in dessert for this occasion.  Please note that all items MUST BE NUT FREE, as a student has a severe allergy to nuts.  If possible, items that are egg-free are requested (such as Rice Krispie squares).  If you send an item that contains egg, please ensure that it is clearly labelled on the container.  If you want the container returned please ensure that it is also labelled with your name on it.  If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at the school.

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