Saturday, June 30, 2012

On Vacation

This blog and website are officially on vacation.  New posts are not planned until September, unless exciting news develops.  I will devote my time to my family and the course I am taking.  If you plan  to travel, check the website so I can get hits from new places.  I continue to monitor the activity occasionally!

Friday, June 29, 2012

Happy Summer!

I would like to take this opportunity to wish all of my students a wonderful summer!  We have worked very hard this year and you have learned a lot!  Do not let the whole summer go by without reading!  See you in September, Grade Sevens!

Love Mrs. Colautti

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Guardian Cup

Today we found out which team won the house league trophy. Was it blue? green? purple? yellow? red? or orange?  Mr. Le Blanc led a crazy assembly to announce the winning team.
Eagerly awaiting the announcement
 Congratulations Yellow Team!
 Here are the Grade 6C team members with "The Cup"
The whole team waits for a chance to drink from the cup
Gavin got to "drink" from the cup
What a target!

Congratulations Yellow Team!

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

VIP Graduation

Today we celebrated the end of our VIP (Values, Influences, Peers) program.  We have learned about values, morals, bullying, Youth Criminal Justice Act, Law and Security, and Drugs with the support of Constable Nayduk of the Windsor Police Service.  Special thanks to our SAC who fully funded the t-shirts and pizza lunch.  Also, thank you to all of the families who sent in fruit and desserts.  Let's hope that all of the students will remember what they've learned when faced with challenging decisions in years to come!

Don't we look great in our new t-shirts?
Armando's pizza was delicious!
Got juice?
Constable Nayduk loves pizza too!
We were given some words of wisedom to live by.
Andrew presented Constable Nayduk with a thank you gift.
Delicious desserts!
Grade 6C VIP graduates (3 students absent)

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

End of the Year Wrap Up

As our school year comes to a close, we have begun the process of clean up and take home.  Slowly the students have been bringing home their books, so that they do not have to take everything home at once.  We have made thank you cards for Constable Nayduk, and the people from St. Clair College who made our recent trip possible.  Tonight at the SAC meeting, Mr. Marenchin, Mrs. LaPico, and I thanked the members for their support and dedication all year.  Tomorrow we hope to finish the Family Life program, then we will have officially completed all areas of the curriculum for grade six.  The excitement is sure building!

Tomorrow will prove to be a busy day.  We are going to the 8:30am mass, we will celebrate our VIP graduation at 11am, and we will attend the House League Assembly in the afternoon.  The countdown is on:  only two more sleeps!

Monday, June 25, 2012

Ultimate Frisbee

We have continued to take advantage of the beautiful weather outside.  We have learned to play "Ultimate Frisbee", first with one Frisbee, then with two.  Check it out!

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Out of This World!

As we work toward completely uncovering the Grade Six curriculum, we performed some demonstrations recently, as part of our Space unit.  We have learned what makes day and night, the seasons, solar and lunar eclipses, and the various elements of our solar system.  Check it out!

Outdoor classroom: What makes day and night?
Model solar system:  What makes the seasons?

Saturday, June 23, 2012

VIP Graduation on the Horizon!

On Wednesday June 27 we will celebrate our VIP Graduation.  Constable Nayduk will join us for an informal ceremony, then following that a pizza lunch will be supplied for you compliments of the St. Gabriel SAC.  You will receive pizza and juice.  If you require other snacks for the day, please feel free to bring them.  We are requesting that any families that are able and interested, send in dessert for this occasion.  Please note that all items MUST BE NUT FREE, as a student has a severe allergy to nuts.  If possible, items that are egg-free are requested (such as Rice Krispie squares).  If you send an item that contains egg, please ensure that it is clearly labelled on the container.  If you want the container returned please ensure that it is also labelled with your name on it.  If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at the school.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Created Sexual

As we integrate Health and Family Life (part of our Religion program), we have been working through our unit titled:  Created Sexual.  We have discussed the male and female reproductive systems, menstruation, puberty, conception and the development of a new human life, heredity, twins, and determining gender, all from the perspective of our Catholic faith.  It has been stressed that marriage happens before children are conceived, and that couples live together only after marriage.  Our class handled this very well and had some great questions.  Our discussions do not replace those that must be held at home with parents. If you were looking for a segue to this topic - here it is!

Conception: the moment when one sperm cell penetrates the ovum

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Google Sketchup!

Today we walked, in the intense heat, to St. Clair College for our last field trip.  Under the instruction of Professor Redko, and some second and third year Interior Design students, our grade six students were able to learn the Google Sketchup software and then work on their own design.  It was handled like a mini competition and some of our class won prizes!  Congratulations to the following student winners: Brian, Kelly, Julianne, Olivia, Cole, Danu, Allison, and Matt T.  Each student also received a St. Clair College pen and lanyard.  We were also treated to Timbits (and air conditioning)!  The students seemed to love the experience.  Special thanks to Mrs. Windhaus who joined and assisted us!  If you would like to download the software on your own machine and continue working at home, click on the link below:

We made the news at the college!  Click on this link to view their website:

Check out the photos!

Here we go!
In the lab at St. Clair College
Listening intently
Panoramic view
Using a laptop and projectors,
we were able to model what we saw on the screen
Professor Redko
Original design by Gavin
Prize winners:  Kelly and Brian
Prize winnes:  Olivia and Julianne

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

St. Gabriel Carnival!

Many volunteers worked to make this event possible!
My assignment: Giant Inflated Twister Game
Tuesday June 19, St. Gabriel School hosted the "hottest" BBQ  and Carnival ever!  Check out the photos!
Human pretzels!

Mad Science had a booth!

"The Big Kahuna" dumping bucket
 was very popular
The Border City Barkers were entertaining!
There were many fun games too!
Thanks to the St. Gabriel SAC, staff, and volunteers who made this all possible!

Tuesday, June 19, 2012


Friday's Sneaker Day was a huge success.  Our class raised $82, while our school raised a grand total of $1715.00!!  Way to go Guardians!

We graphed the sneakers and some
wound up on the ceiling!

Monday, June 18, 2012

Gwen, The Cranky Sorceress (Cast C)

Cast C also did a fine job of their production.  They used awesome sound effects, used the stage curtain to their advantage, and were a team!

"Way to break a leg!"