Tuesday, June 06, 2017

Grade 2 Buddies, More Frisbee, and Information

Yesterday our class paired up with Mrs. Coates's grade 2 class.  Each one of us were asked to show the grade 2s how to create a slideshow using their Google Drive.  I am impressed with the patience and charm that my students showed!  Great job!  Check out the photos!

On Friday we went outside for our gym class and worked on our throwing and target practise with frisbees again.  Check it out!

On Monday I posted a very long list of students who owe me various evaluations signed.  Some of the items date back to January and many students are guilty of owing me MULTIPLE items.  Please check your child's agenda regularly this week so that we may wrap this up before we go to Curry Park to honour our last incentive.  Please note that yesterday the last math tests were returned to all students.  In addition, the grade 7 students received their game rubric.  Last week the unit 8 SWYK/EUR and grade 7 health research projects were returned.  The week before that the badminton rubric for gym was returned.  Please keep on top of this!  Thank you!

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