Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Debate Round Two

This week the debate groups were rearranged and new topics were assigned.  The goal is for the teams to debate their positions on Friday.  The underlined team is the proposition.  The names in italics are the opposition team.  Ask your child what their motion is.  Here are the teams:

Ethan D.          Brad
Kendra             Ava

Josh                Steven

Aidan D.            Ethan L.
Arianna             Carlo
Daciann             Veda

Ryan               Kevin
Owen              Maya
Massimo         Molly
Joseph            Emma

Quest             Aidan M.
Kaci               Averi
Nick               Hope

Image result for cleaning outAs the school year winds down, the students will begin to bring home their work.  They have been told by me that they are not allowed to put their work in the garbage or recycling bins at school.  The reason for this is that I want they to give parents the opportunity to view work before it is discarded.  Once it gets home, if families want to recycle it, it will be up to you.  I know that some families keep some samples for future viewing.  Some students have actively defied my request already.  I would appreciate support in this area.  Thank you.

Image result for happy summer

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