Wednesday, June 07, 2017

Big Drama Presentation and Information

Image result for dramaOur class has been working daily this week on or final drama preparations.  This includes completing the set and props, dress rehearsals on the stage in the gym, and feedback from me.  Some students are still struggling with their lines.  Make sure to practise them before Thursday.  Please note:  any student that does not have a costume will be losing marks on their evaluation.  We have discussed the fact (at length) that "getting into character"  includes changing your outward appearance to resemble each student's interpretation of their character.  Our final presentations for marks will happen on Thursday.  Watch for the rubric to come home next week, and for images on a blog post next week.

Image result for nutellaImage result for sugarImage result for sugary drinks
Do I have your attention now?  Do you think that you and/or your children consume too much sugar?  Click here if you are interested in the latest opinion about consuming sugar.

Image result for side effects of technology addiction
Image result for side effects of technology addictionDo you ever wonder what negative side effects using technology may have on your body?  While technology is more and more a part of our daily lives and we are all expected to use it for many purposes, there is not doubt that it is taking its toll on the human body.  My husband used to predict that over time humans will develop adaptations - not always favourable - because of our device use.  He suggested hunched necks and backs because of texting, and lack of muscle tone due to increased sedentary bevahiour (have you ever watched Wall-e?) were on the horizon.  It looks like he was not too far off.  Click here if you are interested in reading more.
Image result for side effects of technology addiction

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