Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Debate Teams #2

If you viewed yesterday's post, you will notice a dramatic improvement in this last set of debates which were done on June 26.  Students were asked to research more, and prepare for the opposing views of their subject. In addition, more rehearsal of their speeches and more passion in the delivery was encouraged.  Finally, they were encouraged to refute the presentation of the opposite view.  Check it out!

Again, there were some uploading issues with the last video, so as a result you may click here to view Team Purple's debate.  Enjoy!

Image result for debate competition clipartWho would you say won each debate?  During each debate there was a five minute question period during which the audience was able to ask either side questions to clarify the facts and their positions.  After the last speaker spoke for each side the audience voted for the side that presented the best arguments.  And the results are in.........

For the first debate:
1.  Junk food should be banned from schools - Team Red proposition side.
2.  Single-sex schools are better for education - Team Blue proposition side.
3.  All people should be vegetarians - Team Orange opposition side.
4.  Macs are better than PCs - Team Green proposition side.

For the second debate:
1.  School uniforms should be required - Team Brown opposition side.
2.  Solar energy should replace all traditional forms of energy - Team Teal opposition side.
3. Teachers should be replaced by computers - Team Purple opposition side.
4.  Smoking should be banned - Team Yellow proposition side.

Congratulations to all for a great experience in critical thinking and research!  We may have some future lawyers and/or politicians in our class!
Image result for debate competition clipart

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