Monday, June 05, 2017

Good News, More Good News, and EQAO Wrap-up

Image result for good newsCongratulations to last week's winners of the Good News ticket draw:  Josh, Emma, and Brad.  Keep up the good work!

Image result for plastic bag challenge 2017                Our effort in the Plastic Bag Challenge went very well.  On Friday we bundled them in groups of ten and our class is pleased to announce that we collected 260 bags just from our class.  I saw other classes had huge collections as well.  I hope we win - we are competing against schools all over Canada.  Stay tuned for the results!

Image result for EQAOThe grade six students completed the EQAO assessment last week. Every day, after writing, I asked them for their reactions to the test.  Here are their responses, in no particular order:
It was shorter than I expected.
It was very simple.
The stories weren't very intriguing.
There should be more variation in text topics.
Some of the multiple choice questions were similar to each other.
I enjoyed writing the letter.
The math questions were a lot like our Blog Math questions.
Math was not challenging enough.
It was way too easy.
The math multiple choice questions were more difficult than the open response questions.
Overall it was not very challenging.
I strongly disliked it because it was too easy - our daily work was more challenging.
Very easy!

Judging by their reactions, they seemed to do well.  I hope that the results match their enthusiasm when they come in in the fall!

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