Thursday, March 30, 2017

Newspaper Articles

Image result for journalist clipartAs I reported previously, we have been learning about the attributes of newspaper articles.  We have studied some written by professional journalists, we learned how to craft probing questions properly, and the class even interviewed me about a topic that we mutually agreed upon.  After that we collaboratively wrote a fantastic article, we revised and edited it, then I created a final draft which can be found in our Google Classroom (you might want to check it out - it is quite entertaining).
Image result for journalist clipart
 Image result for journalist clipartNext, I solicited volunteers among the staff of our school, I assigned students to them, they wrote probing questions based on a topic that the volunteers selected, then on Friday the students conducted an interview on location.  They used our iPads as voice recorders and used the camera function so that they could take a photograph.  When they returned to the classroom they sorted the new information into a graphic organizer.  
Image result for tim hortons take 12On Monday the students brought a coffee and some Timbits to the adults that they interviewed as a token of our appreciation.  They agreed to take time out of their busy day to assist us.  That should never go unnoticed.
Image result for rough draftsNow we are working on crafting rough drafts, revising and editing, and our final drafts that look professional!  I look forward to reading the final products!  Maybe we have some future journalists!

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