Wednesday, March 08, 2017

Blog Math and More!

Image result for rectangular prismCongratulations to those students who completed last week's question on time and correctly (again, many students did not hand it in).  The correct answer was that Trey's prism has a volume of 336 cubic centimetres and surface area of 320 square centimetres while Matt's prism has a volume of 180 cubic centimetres and surface area of 216 square centimetres.  Therefore, Trey's prism holds more and takes more material to make.

Happy March Break!  NO QUESTION will be posted today, therefore you won't have to worry about one during the break.  Watch for one after the break, however.

One of the incentives that our class earned earlier this year was playing in Curry Park in the snow.  Unfortunately this winter has not been conducive to that type of activity.  We will decide on a replacement activity. 

Here is an interesting article I found related to emotional responses in children.  Click here to view.

Do you use technology in your bedroom?  Here is an interesting article warning against the effects of blue light.  Click here to view. 

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