Thursday, March 23, 2017

Math Manipulatives!

We have been using a wide variety of tools to assist with our fraction work in math.  The concrete manipulatives that we have used are:  fraction circles, Cuisinaire/Relational Rods, number lines, drawings, and pattern blocks.  

 While using the iPads, we have used the following apps:

Image result for mathies fraction number lines  Image result for mathies relational rods  Image result for mathies notepadImage result for virtual manipulatives
Mathies: Number lines, Relational Rods, Notepad, and Virtual Manipulatives

We have even used the Image result for show me app to record oral and visual presentations of our math work.  The students email them to me and I am able to review them at home.  We have experimented with Image result for nearpod  as an interactive way to teach and learn math.

In addition we have a giant number line hanging across our room.  Students are asked to write fractions on sticky notes and we work to order them correctly.  The first day (Monday) we had to work at correctly ordering them from least to greatest.  On Tuesday we worked collaboratively at ensuring the spaces between the sticky notes accurately represented the values between the numbers.  During math on Wednesday, we were asked to add a second sticky note each to our number line so that all values are ordered and spaced correctly.  Check out the photo!

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