Monday, March 20, 2017

Good News and Career Cruising

Image result for good newsCongratulations to the following students who won the Good News ticket draw right before the March Break:   Ethan D., Kevin, Massimo, Aidan D., and Ava.  Keep up the good work!

Image result for career cruisingAttention grade seven parents!  Before the March Break my grade seven students began the process of exploring career paths, learning about their learning styles, and reflecting on their educational goals via this website.  If you would like to get involved in this and see what they have been doing, there is a Parent Portal.  You are able to access this with the use of a computer and the internet from any location 24/7.
How to get started:  click here
Click "register now".
Follow the prompts to set up your account.  Once it is set up you will be able to view and comment on your child's work, keep track of his/her progress, and explore the site.  ENJOY!

Grade six parents/guardians may also sign up for an account, so that next year when your child works in this area, you can view it as well.

Image result for happy springEnjoy the first day of spring!  I hope there is no more snow!  Don't forget that we had snow last May, however!

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