Thursday, January 19, 2017

Have You Ever Thought About...

Check out this link  which confirms one of my pet peeves.  I don't know if the students do this on purpose, by accident, or they are just trying to drive me crazy

Image result for a series of unfortunate events booksMany teachers (including myself) and others in-the-know persistently remind families of the importance of reading to children, reading together as a family, and the children observing their parents reading.  This article gives some good reasons for this - even at the grade 6 and 7 age level.  Click here to view the article and possibly renew the attraction to a favourite book series.

Image result for cell phoneHere is one final article for this post, since I haven't provided links for your information since last year (LOL).  In light of recent issues that surfaced at school regarding technology and social media, I thought it important to provide this brief article for your perusal.  Remember:  Technology is a privilege, not a right.  Parents should not feel that their children have to have a personal electronic device to fit in or be "cool".  When teachers assign tasks that require the use of electronics, we have the devices that they need at school.  In some ways, children could be set up for difficulties later on.  Ultimately, it is a parent's responsibility to monitor their child's use of social media and all electronic devices.  Check out this link if you are interested.

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