Monday, January 16, 2017

Good News and Family Life Theme Two

Image result for good newsCongratulations to Kaci who was the sole winner of the Good News ticket draw on Friday.  There weren't many tickets to draw from, so let's see if we can improve on that this week!

Image result for fully alive grade 6Image result for fully alive grade 6Last week we began our second theme in Family Life (part of our Religion Program).  Both grades are learning about relationships, but with variations between them.  Parents, please visit the Parents (or guardians) of Students Attending Catholic Schools page of our website to view the latest parent letter related to your child's grade.  This will provide some insight into what we are learning about and provide some discussion topics that you may want to use at the dinner table, or elsewhere.

Image result for don't forgetHere are some friendly reminders:
-the first blog math of 2017 is due tomorrow
-Friday is a P.A. Day!  Enjoy!
-our last History class will be on Thursday.  That will be the last day for Social Studies for the grade sixes for now as well.  Next week we will rearrange things and Mr. Cowan will work with the grade 7 students on Science (matter, mixtures, etc. ) and I will work with the grade 6 students on Science as well(electricity).  This should last until the March Break.

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