Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Blog Math

Congratulations to those students who completed last week's question on time and with precision.  The correct response was that the bottles of pop were the better deal

Image result for coca colaThere were two ways to solve this.  Some students reasoned that since the bottles were twice the size and not twice the price they were the better deal.  True.  The best solution, however, calculated the price as a rate for each scenario then compared.  The cans wound up costing $0.77/L and the bottles cost $0.59/L.  (divide the price by the volume).

Here is the latest question.  It is due on Tuesday January 24 at 8:10 AM.

Image result for applesIf 1.5 kg of apples cost $1.20 how much will 10 kg cost?  Justify your thinking.

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