Friday, January 27, 2017


In a display of sympathy, our entire student body lined the street in front of our school so that we could view the funeral procession of Elery LaPorte today during the lunch hour on Thursday.  Our flag was flown at half-mast, we had a banner to display that all staff and students signed, and all were very solemn.

Some very empathetic girls from our class took this tragedy and decided to turn it into an opportunity to do good.  Emma and Kendra purchased the supplies to make commemorative ribbons in Elery's favourite colours and collect donations which will be given to the Autism Society in her name.  Special thanks to their parents that assisted and supported this venture.  As of Thursday at noon, they had already collected over $400 and had created over 400 ribbons.  Awesome community service ladies!  That is the Guardian Way!

Image result for mathPlease note: The math test that was originally scheduled for Monday, will now be held on Tuesday.

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