Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Dance, Dance, and More Dance!

Depending on the day and what is going on in our building, we are able to create and rehearse our dances in the gym, hallway, our classroom, and/or another classroom.  Things are progressing well.  Check out the photos.

P.S.  Lunch order forms were sent home yesterday.  Please note the the lunch supplier will go back to being Koolini in February since our school as a whole was not pleased with the new company that we tried for January.
Image result for pasta

P.P.S.  There will be a meeting for any grade seven parents interested in participating in a fund raising meeting on Wednesday January 18 immediately after school in Mr. McMahon's room.  Traditionally grade seven students begin the process of fundraising during their grade seven year, for their Muskoka Woods trip which will happen in the fall of grade eight.

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